Tuesday 27 November 2012

My Gaming History

 Well where to start ... I know my first birthday! Literally.... okay this may sound odd and I'm not sure if its real or not but I'm almost certain its a real memory. I remember staring at my family all stuck around the TV playing Micro Machine on the Sega. After that I remember crawling up the stairs to find my sister who was playing on some toys with my cousins and then attempting to get back down stairs at which point the memories stop as to what actually happend next... I fell down stairs. I definitely fell down stairs and the memories before that are quite clear to me but I can't be sure they are real because I was so young when that happened. But anyway I had videogames in my life even then.

 The three games along with Sonic that I remember fondly playing on the Sega

We all used to play on games like sonic the hedgehog and echo the dolphin, later when the Playstation 1 came out I used to watch my dad play Tomb Raider. I hardly ever played them at this age though, I just watched others play.

Three Games I remember watching my dad or family and friends play but never playing them myself, Lara Croft, Sonic and Medal of Honour once we got the PS2.
When I moved to Italy we had a few years with no console but then eventually got the PS2 and SSX and Shadow of Memories (which I only completed around 4 years ago).

Kaori was my favourite character to play as and still is in SSX. Poor shadow of memories its quite a good game its just ashame nobody at that time in my family was a good enough gamer to actually complete it.

My Aunt came to visit us and brought me Crash Bandicoot and Spyro: a gateway to Glimmer, these were my first video games I ever got to play to myself. Instead of playing on the latest games I had gone backwards and played on PS1 games.

 Such amazing graphics right?

From there I got my first Game Boy and Pokemon Yellow, and over the years the rest of the Pokemon games that followed, as Pokemon was cool back then. I also had a little game called "Ty the tasmanian tiger" (whos ten year anniversary it is this year) and SSX tricky.

 My Pikachu never liked me as I pretty much button smashed my way through that game without actually knowing what I was doing.

As I bought and completed all the original Spyros it was already time for me to move back to England. Thats when spyro also moved onto the Ps2 with "Spyro: enter the dragonfly". One very disappointing game but being the spyro fan I am played it obssessively. Then Spyro was taken over by Sierra where they made "Spyro: a heros tail" which was better but still couldn't compete with the originals.

I had quite a few years just playing Spyro and Ty the tasmanian tiger and nothing else. One Christmas in 2006 a lovely little advert popped up on screen for a game called Kingdom hearts 2.  This was my first big step away from Spyro and into the world of rpgs. After completing it and its predecesor, browsing through the PS2 games in Tesco proved fruitful as I found Final Fantasy 10. Id found out about final fantasy through Kingdom hearts and since they were the same company I decided to try it out. I was completely out of my depth at first but this very old game for 2007 introduced me to the world of role playing games. Lucky me didn't have to wait long for my next and newer taste of Final Fantasy as 12 came out that same year.

I think I've clocked around 140 hours on Final Fantasy 12. 

As I became a final fantasy fan I searched for what was next in store and thats where I discovered "The fabula Nova Cristallis" thingymajig. I then found one trailer that made the decision of whether or not to get a PS3 or Xbox 360 in the form of Final Fantasy versus 13 as its a PS3 exclusive I bought a PS3. Its being directed by my favourite artist Tetsuya Nomura and to this day I am still waiting for this game to be released.
With the purchase of my PS3 I have been opened up to many more games. Little Big Planet was my first PS3 game and soon followed by Assassins creed.With my love for rpgs I started playing Elders Scrolls, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy 13 and Disgaea. I've never been much of a pc gamer other than playing the original Sims at one point, this is due to not having a computer powerful enough to run games, but maybe after this Christmas I may be flung into the world of pc gaming so I'll be giving you an update on how that goes.

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